Youth Facilitator/Speaker
“It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been” – George Eliot
I grew up with a lot of avoidance behaviours maladaptive to my self-esteem, confidence, and identity which caused so much pain. I decided that I didn’t want to be that person anymore, so I took the time to remove discomfort and add comfort so that I could live the life I wanted to live. One thing I would like to share is to never give up on yourself no matter how hard it is to show up. We all deserve to be proud of ourselves, you are worth it, you are enough.”

Join our Team
We are currently recruiting people who have a passion to contribute to the overall well-being of youth by joining our Board of Directors and/or other volunteer opportunities. The benefits of volunteering include excellent opportunity for involvement in a meaningful experience, the satisfaction of making a difference in the community and with youth, an opportunity to work with individuals of diverse backgrounds, the development of effective decision-making skills and an increased understanding of group dynamics and relationships.