
(He/Him) Co-Marketing Coordinator, Youth Facilitator/Speaker

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you” – Dr. Suess. Growing up this was one of my favourite quotes, but I was never able to understand the true meaning of it until I got into my early 20’s. Growing up as a child of South Asian immigrant parents, I experienced bullying from friends because of the food I ate, the colour of my skin, or traditions and cultures I followed. In addition to this I dealt with online bullying which left me not accepting me for who I was. It took me a few years to learn to accept the colour of my skin, my culture, and everything that made me unique. I also learnt tools to help me become more confident, and seek help to find my way out of depression and negative thoughts. My goal is to share my story, hope it resonates with someone and let them know that they are meant to be unique and special, and that the world is a better place with them in it. “

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YouthSpeak - Empowering Youth through Personal Stories & Coping Strategies - Workshops and School Presentations Speakers

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