
Youth-led, interactive assemblies and workshops for primary grades to post-secondary.


Engaging, youth-led assemblies or presentations where trained youth speakers share their personal stories, self-care strategies and learning components on relevant mental health topics.

Mental Health & Wellness

This youth-led interactive session will provide a positive platform for students to discuss challenges and coping tools. Youth speakers will share personal stories about their challenges with mental health and share a message of empowerment, hope and resilience. Students will better understand coping tools, ways to increase resilience and mental health awareness.

Empowering Minds for New Times

This youth-led interactive session will help students learn about self-care and why it is important. Youth speakers will share personal stories about navigating our current times and steps they have taken to integrate self-care practices that work for them. Students will better understand coping tools and ways to build resilience during difficult times.

Bullying Prevention

This youth-led interactive session will help students understand the effects that bullying has on their peers. Youth speakers will share personal stories about their challenges with bullying and share a message of empowerment, hope, resilience and inclusivity. Students will better understand what they can do to step up in their community and actively create a more safe and inclusive environment with their peers.


Anti-Racism | Gender Equity | Anti-Homophobia

Youth speakers share personal stories about their challenges with being accepted for who they are and share a message of empowerment and hope. Students will better understand what they can do to step up in their community and actively create a more inclusive environment with their peers.

Substance Use

This youth-led interactive session will help students understand substance use, addiction and wellness. Youth speakers will share personal stories about their challenges with substance use, overcoming unhealthy habits, and messages of hope and empowerment. Students will leave with a greater understanding of the relationship between substances and the brain as well as healthy coping mechanisms.

Online Overdrive

This youth-led interactive session will provide students with a deeper look into the impact that online use may have on their mental health and overall well-being. Youth speakers will share personal stories of how online use affected their mental health, self-esteem, and choices. Students will leave with a greater understanding of the choices they are making online and how to interact with and use technology in a healthier way.

School Survival Guide

Join our Youth Facilitators on this transformative journey as they share their personal stories of transitioning from grade 8 and beyond. With the Ultimate School Survival Guide, your students will be inspired towards growth and empowerment, and be prepared with the tools to thrive and be resilient in high school and beyond.

Empowering Young Women

 This youth-led interactive session will help students learn about women’s empowerment and anti-misogyny. Youth speakers will share personal stories about their challenges and share a message of empowerment and hope. Anyone who is interested in learning about women’s empowerment is welcome to join this presentation.


(Grades 1-3)

The Building-A-Self-Care-ToolKit program is a fun, interactive, youth-led early learning experience that helps children develop happy & healthy ways to express and manage their emotions. By engaging in coping tools and relevant activities, children and their caring adults will both learn in a positive, safe environment with trained youth facilitators. Join characters Rory and Skippy as they embark on a journey through the forest and face challenges!

Public Speaking Workshop

This interactive two-session workshop will focus on discovering personal strengths, building self-confidence, and providing a safe and fun environment to practice public speaking skills. This workshop will be facilitated by trained Youth Speakers who have expertise on one of the top ten fears – public speaking! Within the context of a youth-friendly and engaging format, Youth Speakers will share their skills on how to access their inner voice to effectively communicate with their audience.

Post-Secondary Presentations

This youth-led interactive session will help students deepen their understanding specific to the topic chosen for this presentation. Various topics include: Mental Health & Wellness; Empowering Minds for New Times; Empowering Young Women; Gender Equity; Anti-Racism; Anti-Homophobia; Bullying Prevention; Inclusivity; Substance Use, Addiction & Wellness; Online Overdrive. Youth speakers will share personal stories about their challenges with being accepted for who they are and share a message of empowerment and hope. Students will leave with a greater understanding of what they can do to step up in their community and actively create a more understanding environment with their peers.

Consulting/ Coaching

Our team offers consulting and coaching on a range of topics:

  1. Public Speaking
  2. How To Share an Impactful Story (Story Arc)
  3. Program Development for various age groups
  4. Youth Leadership / Engagement


Speak. Inspire. Change.


YouthSpeak - Empowering Youth through Personal Stories & Coping Strategies - Workshops and School Presentations Speakers

Engaging the power of stories for youth mental health.



girl youthspeak

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