(She/Her) Youth Facilitator/Speaker
“You are powerful beyond measure”
This quote stuck with me when I first heard it in an interview of Lewis Hamilton. When I was a teenager, I was a victim of online harassment. I unknowingly internalized all the hate I received. Healing is never a linear journey, but I believe in the power of community, resilience, and self-love to make it to the other side. I share my personal story to help youth realize that we are all powerful beyond measure.
Join our Team
We are currently recruiting people who have a passion to contribute to the overall well-being of youth by joining our Board of Directors and/or other volunteer opportunities. The benefits of volunteering include excellent opportunity for involvement in a meaningful experience, the satisfaction of making a difference in the community and with youth, an opportunity to work with individuals of diverse backgrounds, the development of effective decision-making skills and an increased understanding of group dynamics and relationships.